View a streaming video


Sep 8, 2011
HI im new to VB.NET. Im working on a video streaming project.
I want to know a way i could view the streaming videos in a application.
Streaming servers are already running. for example: I can view the streaming videos from VLC player by putting the IP and the port of the server. I want to do the same in my application.
Does anyone have an idea on how i can do this.

No i havent checked that.. Infact i didnt have a clue to start on this project.. Ill check on the media player control and come back if i have any questions..
Btway will it be possible to create multiple streaming connections at the same time using media player control. cax my project is going to be more like a monitoring system with couple of meadia streams streaming at the same time.

Thanks for the help
Hi again..
I have tried the media player control but it didnt work. i think its because the video is streamed as udp. and i beleive in media player udp is not supported. am i right?
and i thnk i can use the winsock to connect to the svideo stream using the IP and the port but i dunno how to do it.
Can you help me out with this.

Thanks in advance
Can media player be used to play the stream on it's own rather than an embedded control? If so then it should also work if embedded in your application, Media Player itself can certainly play streamed media and it does support UDP amongst the various network types so it might be worth trying and seeing what happens.
I have tried to play the stream on my windows media player. but it gave me the following error
"Windows Media player cannot play the file because the proxy server is not responding. The proxy server might be temporarily unavailable or your Player proxy settings might not be valid."

i tried the following paths in the Open Url box:

udp://@IP address:Port
rtsp://@IP address:Port
rtspu://@IP address:Port
rtspu://IP address:Port
rtsp://IP address:Port

and non of them worked. Also i tried after changing the rtsp proxy to detect setting automatically and still the same error comes.
my windows firewall is also turned off.

what might be the problem???

Strange, is there a proxy set up for vlc at all? Seems odd one app can play the streams while another can't.

It might be worth trying to clear the proxy for media player and see if that helps.
I have done it atlast..... i used the vlc control.. it comes with the vlc player itself. and from the references i can add it to my project.