First time programmer


Oct 16, 2005
Im taking a c++ class and im stuck on how to do something. If anyone can help me that would be great. Im trying to keep count of how many times a user enters a value and display it. Im not sure how to go about doing that in c++.
How does the program on a whole work? What sort of values are being entered. Are you simply letting the user enter numbers and totalling the number of times each number is entered?
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <time.h>   
using namespace std;

int main();
int getRandom();
int game();

int playAgain()             //ask if user wants to play agian
        char answer, y, n; //answer is the response to the question 
                           //y and n are the answers the user can give

        cout << "Do you want to play again (y or n)?: ";
        cin >> answer;
        if(answer == 'y')   //if the user types y then it starts the main()
        else if(answer == 'n') //If n then exits
            cout << "Thanks for playing" << endl;
return 0;
int  getRandom()    // genurates a random #
      int  max, value; // max is the max value the user picks
                       // value is the random number
      cout  <<  "Enter the maximum random number value: ";
      cin  >>  max;

      srand( time(0) );

	  value  =  rand() % max  +  1; //random number equation

      return  value;

int game() // ask the user their guess
    int guess, random, count; 

    random = getRandom();
    cout << "What is your guess?: "; 
    cin >> guess;
    if(guess < random)          // The if statements checks to see if they are to high or low 
        cout << "Too low." << endl; // then gives an answer
    if(guess > random)
        cout << "To High." << endl;
   }while( guess != random );   // ask the question until guess = random
   count += 1;                  // keeps track of trys
   cout << "You got it in " << count << " try(s)" << endl;
    return 0;
    main() // runs the game

     return  0;

in the game() is where im trying to do it.
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