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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS.NET Team Edition 2005
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  1. I think your assessment is pretty close but I'd take a good chunk out of the VB.NET pie and add it to the C# pie. When it comes to .NET C# owns the enterprise and as a result many people who have day jobs writing code at an enterprise shop also spend their spare time writing code in the same manner. It is a fact that you can write the same program in any of languages and if you are a team of one then the choice is quite simply what you prefer. If however, I had to choose based on available resources then I'd choose C#.
  2. That's not true at all. You can think of a view more like a stored query that you can access like a table but which holds no data of it's own.
  3. Image.FromStream did the trick. There is an overload that allows you to skip the verification process which is apparently the main source of the bottleneck. Especially with jpeg files.
  4. Anyone have any ideas of how to get image size (height and width), without actually loading the file into an Image object? I'm working on a small utility that needs to get some stats about the image files in a given directory and all subdirectories. I have a perfectly working and valid solution but I'm looking to speed it up at this point. There could be millions of files and each file could be up to 6mb in size. The costliest part of the application is where it loads the images into an Image object just to get the dimensions. Everything else I can get from a FileInfo object which doesn't have allot of overhead but also doesn't have anything that will give me the dimensions. Any pointers in the right direction, even if I have to do it as a dll outside of .NET, would be appreciated. Thanks, John
  5. Have you seen the iframe html tag? http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp It's an inline frame so maybe it would suit your needs. Pretty easy to use: <table align="center" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr align="center" valign="middle" width="100%" height="100%"> <td align="center" valign="middle" width="100%" height="100%"> <IFRAME id="iframe1" align="middle" HEIGHT="100%" WIDTH="100%" src="MyPage.aspx"> </IFRAME> </td> </tr> </table>
  6. Here is a nice free C IDE: http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/ Here is one for ASM: http://radasm.visualassembler.com/ Here is the free version of MS Visual C++ (command line): http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/ All will allow you to create Windows programs with no external dependencies. These are just the ones I have experience with.
  7. Here are some others I've heard of: http://www.rentacoder.com http://www.elance.com rentacoder, from what I've heard, won't make you much money and elance is more professional.
  8. Do you have Visual C++ installed? If not you can get the free command line version here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/
  9. I'm the one who brought up the part about inlining and I'd like to point out what I actually said: The reason I brought up the inline stuff in the first place was because of the other thread I linked to in there: http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/showthread.php?t=207586 It was discussing just what happens when you use this code: Const myString As String = Chr(27) & "P"
  10. I agree it would be nice to have a cross reference like that. What tool were you using? It might be possible for us to do one. You might find this thread ineteresting as well: http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/showthread.php?t=204905 As I said over there I think the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace is fine to use. What annoys me is when I have to dig through code where the programmer used things from that namespace as well as the .NET equivalents in the same code. I have no problems with it being used if that is how someone is comfortable but I' prefer consistency. The Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility namespace should be avoided however since it will likely be dropped at some point in the future.
  11. Programming is incredibly empowering to me. I do it mostly for a living now and very little just for fun but that doesn't mean that programming isn't fun for me anymore. In fact, I like it more than ever. I'm just able to fulfill my fix for it during my day job which gives me a way of seeing how the rest of the world lives when they are not working. I have a decent number of people who depend on the software I've written to do their day to day job. When I see them using something I've created, and I know they are happy with, it makes me feel good.
  12. I've gone through a bit of a life change since my last post in this thread. I left school after two years and moved far away. I'm living in TN now and employed as a full time programmer.
  13. I changed it to use String.Concat instead of the concatenation operator: <link href='<%= String.Concat(Global.GetApplicationPath(Request), "/ASPNETPortal.css") %>' type=text/css rel=stylesheet> All is well now. Thanks, John
  14. I don't know what a post-build script is. Where might I find this? Also, this is happening in the IDE, not when I run the project. As soon as I change something on any of the aspx files in design view I can immediately click HTML to view the HTML code and it has already changed.
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