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About pendragon

  • Birthday 06/02/1967

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    ICT Systems Administrator
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS Professional 2005
  • .NET Preferred Language

pendragon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks PlausiblyDamp Hopefully SP1 won't be to long in coming out
  2. Thanks PlausiblyDamp The project is set to build as x86 and still have the probelm. [Edit] Found the KB Artical PlausiblyDamp, Doesn't look like they are going to fix it might have to go back to 32 bit op system as just spent 3 hours looking for what turned out to be a typo :mad:
  3. Yes PlausiblyDamp I am running on 64bit Windows 7 It doesn't even stop when i put throw new NotImplementedException(); in it.
  4. Hi Snarfblam Thank you for your reply, I have looked at that and it should be throwing exeptions for anything not handled. In one case it is automaticlly seting an uninitialised int to 0. Just weird
  5. Hi I have a strange problem that has just started to happen, when I run a program in VS to test it, if it comes to an error instead of stopping and reporting the error it ignores that section of code and carries on. Is there an option in VS that allows it to do this, something like ignore errors, had a look but nothing jumps out. Thank you.
  6. Hi I am writing a program to create a document in word using VSTO, the problem I am having is to do with inserting a picture. I can add the picture using a bookmark and the inlineshape object but what I also need to do is set the picture layout to Behind Text. Does anybody know how to do this? Thanks
  7. Are you using the crystal report viewer if so then you can set the report table at runtime with the following YouReporttDocument.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(YourTable); this way you can just get the invoices that you need to print
  8. I always set the Auto Inc. field to -1 when adding a record, not sure if this will fix your problem but worth a try
  9. Hi All I have just been asked if I could write a program that our salesman can access remotely. What they want to do is after seeing a customer run a program that will allow them to enter notes and comments about there visit and save to our file server so that the details are avalible to everyone straight away, sort of like a cut down CRM system. I have no idea where to start on this one :confused: , can anybody recommend a good book on the subject? Thanks
  10. Don't think SQL 2008 has been released yet but you can download a CTP version form here. http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/trial-software.aspx
  11. Looks like it is treating Snapshot.snapshot as a string, try {Snapshot.snapshot}="1", this worked on a quick test but it also did not like the cstr({Snapshot.weight},3) had to change it to CStr({Snapshot.weight}). I think crystal reports treats all xml fields as strings, so shouldn't need the CStr bit.
  12. To password protect the access data base you need to open it with Exclusive Use, then click tools, security and set password. When that is done you need to changed your connection string to "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:\Access.mdb; OLE DB Services = -4; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=[your password];"; Can't remember if the OLE DB Services = -4 is needed or not, long time since I used this :)
  13. Mike55 If I have read this correctly then you shouldn't need to use sub-reports. In crystal add a group for dstMembers.Member_ID then put the members detail in the header and the duesdata in the details.
  14. The only way I have ever got it to work is to set the datasource on each table in the report. x.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(TableName); There might be another way to do it, I have been using this since the first VS.NET as there was a know bug and haven't looked into it since, to lazy I guess :o
  15. You can set the data source for each table crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(Your Data Source);
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