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About BlackStone

  • Birthday 08/01/1985

Personal Information

  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS.Net 2003 Pro
  • .NET Preferred Language

BlackStone's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. There is a simple solution for this as seen in Windows Forms. Put this in the base class: protected virtual void On*EVENTHANDLER*(*EVENTARGS e) { if (*EVENTHANDLER* != null) { *EVENTHANDLER*(this, e); } } As to why, I have absolutely no idea.
  2. I heard an interesting theory of what the soul is, that our minds actually work as a type of radio, tuned into a specific frequency of a higher dimensional being. I'm not sure what that would actually mean, scientifically, but just a random thought.
  3. One more thing I thought was really cool was the little previews on the taskbar.
  4. I installed the latest build, and it is a little clunky. I have 1gb memory, 2ghz pentium M, 256mb graphics card. The visuals are okay, sometimes a little over the top. For now, just playing around with it. They added some nice games too ;)
  5. That wouldn't happen, because .one (which looks like an integer/short/etc.) is a value type, therefore test.one is stored in test and test2.one is stored in test2. If it was a reference type, such as a StringBuilder (though strings, which are reference types, behave like value types in this situation because they are immutable) then the behavior would be similar to what you showed above. In addition, classes must be initialized before use, the same is not true for structs.
  6. If you look at the (private) fields of frameworks classes, such as the ArrayList, they have an underscore. I personally like IngisKahn's version better (less typing), but apparently ms is still into the '_'.
  7. You could try using the ListView control...
  8. First off, integer type values cannot contain decimals, only floating-points can do that (ie: single, double). Change the return type of the function to Double, and use Convert.ToDouble() instead of Convert.ToInt32().
  9. I am aware of reflection. However, the protected On<....> methods do not show up. I was wondering how I could possible access them.
  10. Is there a way to invoke events in a child control similar to the way a container control does? I know there is InvokePaint(...), etc., but is there any way to do this other events, such as the Mouse and Key events?
  11. Is there a way to create such icons as the recycling bin, my computer, etc.? Aol, pre-9.0, used to do it. How can one accomplish this?
  12. I have an abstract class that contains an abstract method which has many classes inheriting from it. I am thinking about changing this to a delegate, but I am wondering if there would be any reason I shouldn't (any performance difference, for example). Anyone have any ideas?
  13. I am controlling my entire program from an ApplicationContext, each event closing or opening forms. I open one of my forms as a dialog box, and when I close it, it throws an null reference error. What should I do about this?
  14. Is there one? I am trying to make a small form (no border), and I hit a limit. Is there a way to get past this?
  15. It runs on startup (in a Windows App, you have to change the startup object to "sub Main()" )
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