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  1. thanks.... but i tried already still cannot add-in database. This is my new changing codes: SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Insert into employee(id, name, pass) values(" + textBox1.get_Text() + "," + textBox2.get_Text() + "," + textBox3.get_Text() + ")", sqlConnection1); who know abt the J# syntax??? can somebody help me...
  2. i think this one is use at the VB.NET one because J# dont have .text one
  3. i have a problem for the INSERT part. :( :( i only know how to add data into database...like: SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Insert into employee(id, name, pass) values('1','John','aaa')", sqlConnection1); but, i don't know how to use the TextBox insert data to database. What is the codes for the VALUES part? Who know can help me???
  4. i have a problem of the insert, updata and also delete a data to a SQL database. can anyone help me of it ? coz i am first time using the J#. can anyone please show me the sample coding about thos process ? thank you very much :(
  5. i want to know how to use a progress bar when i search the Access database example is i want to insert a data to the database can i use the progress bar to show the process ? if can how ? can i have a sample coding ?? :o
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