- 0 replies
In my sample XML the object is "ZB". That "ZB" has two points, "AAD" and "AAG". Both points have coördinates, devided by the "|" character. This is a fixed format, I have to deal with it. Because in our software, we use the data in a dataset. So we convert the XML tot a dataset with the command: Dim myDS As DataSet Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLFile, System.IO.FileMode.Open) myDS.ReadXml(fsReadXml) After that, I have 4 tables in my dataset: ZB AAE AAG point Automaticly there are relations and hidden id's added. After that, I connect 2 datagrids with this code. One datagrid with all objects and the second grid shows me the coördinates o…
Last reply by Lexus, -
- 0 replies
In my application I am writing data to an instance of SQL Server Express 2008. I have an intermittent problem of losing connection and when this happens I have to restart the application in order to get everything going again. This is a big nuisance because it is a data logging application and I am losing data (have text file redundancy but prefer SQL data). With each program execution I verify that the table for a particular test bench exists on the remote server and the local server. The local server is a buffer until I close the program in which case the data is bulk copied to the remote server running full SQL. Then I check to make sure that columns exist on bo…
Last reply by TexasAggie, -
- 0 replies
I have a chart that displays a dataset with ranges. So the series is formatted like 100-150, 150-200, 200-250 Since that value in the data set is a VarChar not numeric, how can I add a strip line on one of these values as a target?:confused: Thanks in advance.
Last reply by PrOpHeT, -
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- 7 replies
Hi, I use Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 and my code which I already used it somewhere else throws an error I can't understand! Can anybody help me as it's just a few lines and snapshots are attached? Thanks.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp,
- 1 reply
I am quite new to VB but am quite familiar with XML my xml is 60,000 lines long and is a family tree type of thing as the xml is a little large to find your way around i have a VB.NET program that loads each node to a textbox, from that how to i update and save the xml to its original file, i can send the attributes to individual text boxes if that is easier, i only need to change the Name and Tag, never the id as that is how i navigate the file. I am reading the xml with XmlDocument My xml code is below <Root Name="ted" id="100" Tag="teddy"> <Root1 Name="Sam" id="101" Tag="Sammy"> <Root2 Name="Mary" id="102" Tag="Mandy"> </R…
Last reply by bokeh, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am a newbie in VB programming. I am listening, learning and developing a POS and inventory system for myself. I am using MS-Access as database and VB 6.0 in front end. I have developed few report through Data Environment and Data Report. Here is the scenario I need help very badly. As for my products I have code and tag price (tprice) in my program. I have a from which include two combo box containing the Invoice Number and Invoice Date of my purchase stock. and a MSHFlexgrid which contain the details of my purchased product as per following 3 columns (example) Code tprice Quantity 21MSTABUFI38 800.00 3 2…
Last reply by silversurf, -
- 0 replies
I am trying to update my faq page and right now every faq lists in order of category. However,I want to see each category listed and then each corresponding faq underneath for each category. How do I do this? <? $result = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM faqs ORDER BY faqcategory DESC"); while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) {?> <ul> <li><?php echo $row['faqquestion'];?></li> </ul> <p><?php echo $row['faqanswer']; ?></p> Please help me- I am a total newbie!
Last reply by missmandino, -
- 26 replies
It's pretty urgent, I have to hand in a project in 1 hour. I have this dataset with data in it, and I want to export it to an .mdf file Please help ! :(( my neck is going to be cut off if you don't help me :(
Last reply by Sombra Dolorosa, -
- *Experts*
- 11 replies
Hello All, Is it possible to take an image, from a picture box in and store the image in an access field? I'd also like the ability to view the image, frrom a form/report within access. I found an example that uses SQL in the "101 visual basic .net applications" book, but i'm not sure if it's possible with access. I've already made the connection to the table. The table contains an OLE field, is this the proper field type to use? i've tried the following... ds_Repair.Tables("qryMarkup").Rows(int_ThisRec).Item(2) = pb_View.Image adap_Repair.Update(ds_Repair, "qryMarkup") ds_Repair is the dataset qryMarkup is the query inside access .Row(int_Thi…
Last reply by shanpuranik, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I don't know why I cannot remember how to do this, then again it has been awhile. I am building a XML file I got that down. Now time to added/remove/delete node. Main file looks like this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <ActiveTickets></ActiveTickets> When a node is added it should look like this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <ActiveTickets> <ticket> <ticketindex>2345</ticketindex> <ticketstatus>1</ticketstatus> <timestamp>12344567892</timestamp> </ticket> </ActiveTickets> I can get following but I ca…
Last reply by ZeroEffect, -
- 0 replies
Is it possible to make a report for printing id cards in vb net using windows reporting (not crystal reports). I can only make to print report like table of database fields and data.
Last reply by oujea, -
- 0 replies
I am writing parameterized data to SQL at 1Hz from several test cell computers (maximum 16, currently running 5 or less). The code works fine though I was losing connection sometimes when using SQL Developer edition. We installed the full SQL server last week and all was well until I got the following error this morning. What would cause this error? Should I leave the connection open to avoid extra overhead in opening and closing it every second? How should I recover from this error? Close the connection, reopen, and retry? 10:55:21 FlightRecorder System.InvalidOperationException: Internal connection fatal error. at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(…
Last reply by TexasAggie, -
- 0 replies
Alright, I'm having a difficult time finding a solution to this. I have two tables in Access. One is named Model other is Brand. Both are in ComboBoxes. What I want to happen is when a specific item is selected in the Brand ComboBox, I want to have Model ComboBox 's collection change according to column that I select for each item within the Brand combo. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Jbailey, -
- Administrators
- 15 replies
I write a program to run test beds that log anywhere between 1 and 400 physical values (temperature, pressure, etc.). Presently, I buffer 100 lines and then write to a synchronized text writer. The format is text tab delimited. I would like to write the data to SQL as well so that other engineers can plot data or run queries. I have two options: 1. Buffer and write while the test sequence is running; or (preferred) 2. Programmatically convert the .txt file to a table or insert all rows into a SQL table. (not preferred) Data is logged at 1Hz, but like I said, buffered into 100 lines to reduce HD access occurrences. What would be the best way to carry ou…
Last reply by TexasAggie, -
- 2 replies
Hi... I'm running an onlineshop on an Ubuntu-Server and wrote a program to update the shop-database (MySQL) with data from internal SQL-Server DB. Since I updated MySQL on the Ubuntu-Server from 5.1.41 to 5.1.61 (that update came automatically for security reasons) i have a weird problem. First: every access to the MySQL-DB vie the shop(s) and from our CMS (Drupal) works perfect. No Problems at all. For Speed-Reasons I use datatables/dataadapter to update the shop data in memory and write it back to MySQL after all neccessary updates/inserts/deletes are done. This worked perfect until the MySQL-Update. Here is some sample code from my program that produces …
Last reply by allblacks, -
- 3 replies
I am using the same query to plot data and to show it in a datagridview. I get data to plot, but it won't display on my datagrid view. The DGV just stays grey. I've looked at a bunch of examples only and I can't find the problem. Any ideas? dgvSummary.AutoGenerateColumns = True sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(sql, conn) sqlAdp = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd) sqlDs = New DataSet sqlAdp.Fill(sqlDs, "Development") dgvSummary.DataSource = sqlDs
Last reply by Dharmendra Rai, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, Need your opinion, advice and orientation. Currently started a fresh new project involving .NET framework 4. One of the requirements is to show a GUI letting user doing this : - Pick a XSD1 and specify the root entity - Drawing entities and relations in a treeview fashion, one side - Pick another XSD2 and specify the root entity - Drawing entities and relations in a treeview fashion, onther side - User draw visual lines to create and manage mapping rules to be executed once a XSD1 compliant payload is processed in order to produce a XSD2 compliant one For those who know about MapForce, something like it but not so advanced. Trying to convince PL…
Last reply by docflied, -
- Administrators
- 6 replies
I want to insert time into one column and date into another column. SQL is giving me hell trying to do this because my formats or data types my not be meshing between SQL and VB. This is what I've tried: (i have tried other methods as well) If Not sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar Then sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE " & TableName & " (" & _ "[RowCount] BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " & _ "Count INT NOT NULL, " & _ "RunNumber INT NOT NULL, " & _ "CurrentCycle INT NOT NULL, " & _ "CurrentMode INT NOT NULL, " & _ "TimeInMode INT N…
Last reply by TexasAggie, -
- 2 replies
I'm working with a windows foem application. I have a dataset that was returned from a webservice. The third column ("Permanent") contains a bool. When i bind the data to a datagridview, that coulmn shows up as a series of checked checkboxes (since all the rows happened to have "true" for that value). What I want to do is modify the dataset, before binding it to the grid, to display the word "Permanent" if the bool is true and "Temporary" is the bool is false. I've gotten the code the point where I recognise whether it's true or false, but, because the column expects a bool, I can't put in the appropriate string. Any suggestions? private void btnGetAccounts_Click(ob…
Last reply by dliedke, -
- 1 reply
I developed an application in C # where I have 6 text boxes and a datagrid with 4 columns and multiple rows and a button. The button should generate an xml file. I can create the xml file and write the data from text boxes, but not the DataGrid. Anyone can help me? Thank you.
Last reply by DecemberChild,
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