by Guest Jane8206- 0 replies
I looking for talented artist, who released really cool tracks. Continue reading...
Como validar el TextBox que se encuentra dentro de un Repeater
by Guest Roberto Eder- 0 replies
Como puedo validar el TextBox con ID txtCodigoArticulo para saber si esta vacio, esta dentro de un Repeater y no me esta dejando tomar el id lo quiero validar con la función ValidaComplemento() pero no toma encuenta el ID txtCodigoArticulo? mi código es el siguiente <script> function ValidaComplemento() { if (document.getElementById("txtCodigoArticulo").value.trim() == "") { alert("Por favor ingrese el No. de la orden de compra."); document.getElementById("txtCodigoArticulo").focus(); return false; } </script> <asp:Repeater ID="repConceptos" runat="server"> <…
Software Development Management Tools
by Guest obrienkev- 0 replies
Hi, Any good free software applications for managing software projects? I am new to concepts of scrum/agile so looking to learn how these work. Thanks! Continue reading...
Data structures in C#
by Guest duoshock- 0 replies
Hi, I need some advice on the data structures to use in C#. My need is to construct a something like a code syntax tree. what would the embedded data structures in C# to use so as to ensure memory optimisation and run time efficiency? currently, stacks/lists/ dictionaries are my choice of options. If any experienced C# developer would give me some sound advice, I would like to hear from you. Thanks Continue reading...
C# and Big-Oh notation
by Guest mariek- 0 replies
hello dear developers, I am a student and also still new to the .net framework. I just want to ask for your opinion or for any comment regarding the imporance of Big-Oh in the coding/programming process. This is for the study we are now currently venturing on. Thanks in advance and I really hope to hear from you, especially those who have been in the biz for sometime now. Continue reading...
Creating a Tree data structure
by Guest Jalil Sear [MCPD SharePoint]- 0 replies
Hi, I need to create a tree data structure using c#. I need to be able to add children to the structure, have a method that will retrieve all of the decendants for a given node in the tree and another method that will retrieve the parent hierarchy for a given node (i.e. will iterate upwards until it reaches the root). I know there are a lot of ways of doing this but wanted to get an idea of how most of you would go about solving this problem. Visit my blog Jalil Sear's [MCPD SharePoint 2010] Weblog Continue reading...
How To Hide(Or Lock)File/Folder/Drive In C#
by Guest Ashkan Satarpour- 0 replies
Hi how to hide file or folder or drive in c#?(Or Lock) GiliSoft File Lock:Best Application for file /folder/drive. Do Can in c# similar gilisoft hide file or lock file , So That Don't Show Hidden With Folder Option And Don't Access With CMD?(FileSystemAccessRule Open File or folder in cmd) Do gilisoft file lock App with write C#? TIA... Continue reading...
Generate random ip addresss
by Guest ardmore- 0 replies
I want to generate random 10 ip addresses, how? Example: 100@; 200@; 450@ // the code I got var random = new Random(); var chars = "0123456789"; var ips = Enumerable.Repeat(chars,10).Select(s=>s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray(); Continue reading...
Alternative to robocopy for C# .net applications
by Guest Ravi_Kanasagra- 0 replies
I was looking into internet about file copy tool alternative to Robocopy which has either .net API or can be invoked using command line but to my surprise I found only GUI based tools. :( My team mate found robocopy failing to copy 500 Mb file in c# application. Is there any alternative tools available in market which can give competition in feature to Robocopy in windows OS which can be integrated in C# .net app? Continue reading...
Share c# .exe
by Guest EG87- 0 replies
I have a very quick question again lol I made a c# console app, for a client of mine, but every time he runs it, it gives a warning about publisher unknown and that the app can be harmful. How can I fix this issue, becouse he wants to install this app on another machine and he dosen't want to deal with that Continue reading...
How to make my device driver to be a inbox driver ?
by Guest Wayde_Fang- 0 replies
Our team develop a network device driver, we have already obtained Microsoft's signature,and push it to Windows Update successfully. We want our driver to be a inbox driver which released together with the latest Windows system,what we need to do? Continue reading...
Menu drop down appears at top left of screen
by Guest FrankieQ- 0 replies
Vs2010 WinForms If when someone clicked a MenuStript Items MenuItem (like file, windows or help) you wanted the resulting dropdown to appear at the top-left of the screen instead of where it normally would appear, how would you program that? It is not an academic question. I build my menu at run time and that is how it behaves. I've been looking for a couple of days and can't find anyting wrong. If you answered the question it might just give me a clue. Thanks Continue reading...
Exit Application and application stops and does not dispose
by Guest nguyenxh- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I got a problem in C#: in my application there are 2 serial ports communication and when I click on a button to exit whole application, I expect that application would exit but my case is the application stops without disposing: this is my code for event of button: Code Snippet private void Button_Exit_Application_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { timer_Communication.Stop(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); if (comport.IsOpen) { comport.DiscardInBuffer(); comport.DiscardOutBuffer(); comport.Close(); comport.Dispose(); } i…
API or DLL for PDF?
by Guest Ndamu- 0 replies
Is there a miscrosoft API or dll for creating pdf's without any glitches, been using itextsharp but it's unstable Continue reading...
reading pdf files component???
by Guest Elsanti- 0 replies
Hi, there is any component in .net to read PDF file to read some specific fields of the file, not the components made from 3rds (companys etc) because I remeber in some case I use a .net component to create a PDF file but i don't know if this also be usefull for what i need.... Thanks "Everything is worthless if you don't give yourself a chance to try" by me... ;P Continue reading...
PDF download and Save
by Guest bagua8- 0 replies
I'm trying to download a PDF file then save it to a different server path programmatically. This code allows me to retrieve the pdf but I'm not sure how to save it once I get it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient(); byte[] download = client.DownloadData(Server.MapPath("~/PDF/2030.pdf")); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(download); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename= Form.pdf"); Response.Buffer = true; ms.WriteTo(Response.OutputStream); …
Webpage to Pdf convertor
by Guest Angeldas- 0 replies
Is there any possible to convert current webpage into pdf in javascript or c#... Continue reading...
Reading a PDF File
by Guest Cas Raj- 0 replies
I want to read PDF files programmatically from c# windows application.Is it possible and also is it possible to retrieve the some content from some specific location? cas Continue reading...
Excel to PDF
by Guest Elizabeth Swain- 0 replies
Hi, I am looking for a MsExcel (.xsl and .xlsx) to PDF converter/library or API for my C# Application. Any sample code would be awesome. Thank You ! Continue reading...
Reading pdf !
by Guest Umair Aslam Bhatti- 0 replies
can any body tell me how can we read and writ pdf using .net i m c# coder and i want to manipulate pdf files reading , editing and saving . please help Continue reading...
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